What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You |
![]() You are sweet, mellow, and easily satisfied. You don't like anything too intense and dramatic. Deep down, you're a kid at heart... and you're nostalgic for the past. You are mellow, spiritual, and philosophical. You are a true humanitarian. You enjoy helping people. Your heart can be too open at times. You sometimes over-extend yourself. You love the feeling of accomplishment. You enjoy doing what's important. You feel lost when you have to do frivolous tasks or hang out with shallow people. |
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I wouldn't say no to a few of these...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Karma-shmarma, this plain sucks
Look away if you have a weak stomach or are prone to fits of despondency.
Following is the physical manifestation of dismay, despair, & depression.
This is three weeks of solid labor, nearly five inches of painstaking cables, knit on minuscule size 1.5 needles (that would be 2.5 millimeters) completely and utterly destroyed by an errant cup of tea that the wind overturned into my bag.
All efforts at salvage were futile; the yarn is Knit Picks Bare Merino Wool, Silk Sock Yarn, made for custom dying & tea is a natural coloring agent. I considered dying all of it, but Chris wanted off-white hose & besides, any attempt would have ended up unevenly colored (yarn should be dyed before knitting just for this reason)
Yes, I cried.
Right after I cursed a blue streak.
Then I went to the movies, to forget my pain for a few brief hours.
Now, it just mocks me~ I originally got it to make the Candle Flame Shawl last summer, which I ended up frogging (just wasn’t working for me) & now this.
I am giving away the rest of the yarn~ I am not meant to use it.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Another page in my life...
FOR TODAY May 19th... Outside My Window... A lawn in desperate need of mowing, lots of droopy plants begging for water & deadheading after the extreme heat this past weekend, & several wasps buzzing around the front door- time to call the bug guy. I am thinking... how incredible that we are beginning the last two weeks of school~ & that come August, my baby boy will be a high school Senior. I am thankful for... the comfort of central air conditioning & the return of cooler temperatures From the kitchen... I think it will be a good evening for salads & maybe a little grilled chicken. I am wearing... a dark blue skirt, a medium blue knit top, & navy loafers I am creating... Excel worksheets that will help greatly reduce the amount of time I spend reconciling general ledger accounts each month~ less time spent at work is always good! I am going... to take Sam to the movies this week (maybe tonight)~ he had the opportunity to see Prince Caspian yesterday with his friends & turned it down so we could see it together I am reading... Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskill (I really enjoyed the PBS series, & found a copy on my bookshelf while looking for something else) & Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach I am hoping... that Chris’ case of the “Grummpies” is very short-lived. He has been rather harsh with Sam &, while I make a point trying not to correct & micro-manage his parenting style, I’m concerned about damage it could do to their relationship. I am hearing... someone rattling the front door of the office & cursing; even though we have always been closed on Monday & Wednesday, and put a large “Sorry, We’re Closed Today” sign on the door, they still get angry when I won’t jump up to let them in. Around the house... I still haven’t gotten to those curtains, so tonight they come down & into the washer; I must set out some ant traps~ the heat & lack of rain has driven the legions into the house in search of water; & the electric mower needs to be repaired or replaced~ I’m seriously considering an old fashioned rotary push mower, then there would be no excuse for the mess out back J One of my favorite things... the scent of spearmint, especially in my iced tea A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Finish the reusable shopping bag for the Ravelry swap; mail off some t-shirts to Africankelli for her trips to Nicaragua & Mozambique; & get Sam registered for a learn-to-golf clinic in June (his request) & another evening of tennis lessons to revamp his game (his coach’s request) Here is picture thought I am sharing. The last of my Red California Poppies~ hiding a little surprise… A little Dahlia hidden underneath, watching the bird feeder J Please drop by Peggy’s blog, “The Simple Woman”, to join (or just read along) the other ladies as they take a snapshot of their day & focus on the simple things.
Friday, May 16, 2008
more cat pictures
Chris made it home last night- but not until 8:15 pm & he didn't call either, so I was beginning to wonder ; the ribs didn't make until dawn Thursday, but I had more asparagus & stashed some crab in the vegetable drawer (leftovers & teenaged boys don't co-exist)
; & Chris also thought he was coming home on Wednesday (he usually comes back on the same day of the week he left)- he was freaking out when the shuttle didn't come to get him & as he was calling, he looked at his itinerary for the confirmation number & realized it was the wrong day

more cat pictures
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Well, maybe aquamarine...
You give your love and friendship unconditionally. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.
Yes, I am a little blue today~ I had a really-and-truly senior moment yesterday.
As you know, Chris left for Colorado two weeks ago & was expected home last night . I took a half-day off work, going to the gym, grocery store, & then home to start dinner~ a rare occurrence. After putting the country ribs in the marinade & cracking the last of the crab, I took a nap (oh, what luxury!) before going for my hair appointment, leaving a short list of clean up tasks for Sam.
We had everything grilled & ready by 7:00 pm~ I had fresh asparagus & a big pitcher of ice tea to go along with dinner, turned on the A/C & fans to make it comfortable (it got up to 98° yesterday), & sat down to wait.
By 8:00, I was beginning to wonder about the traffic
& told Sam to go ahead & eat; at 8:30, I was thinking either the plane crashed
& the airline hadn’t got around to calling families yet
, or he stopped in at work, started talking, & forgot the time.
So, at 8:45, I get up to call his cell phone
& glance at the itinerary hanging on the calendar.
His flight was scheduled to land at 5:28 pm.
Not Wednesday.
When I told Sam, he chuckled kindly & said “Really? Cool~ I’m claiming his ribs.”
No jokes about my age, eyesight, or mental shortcomings.
You know, he’s always been my favorite.
Monday, May 12, 2008
I must jot that down...
For Today, May 12th...
Outside My Window...
I see shimmers of heat rising from the pavement beyond the leafy shade of our front yard
I am thinking...
about the conversations I had with my grown-and –gone children yesterday, how different each of them are & the challenges they face as they make their own way
I am thankful for...
my young knight-still-at-home, a thoughtful & loving soul, who took on all the “Mother’s Day” responsibilities with a grin
From the kitchen...
comes a special treat~ fresh crab off the boat last night, along with the first squash of the season
I am wearing...
a black/brown/mocha paisley skirt, Battenberg lace trimmed knit top, & brown leather slides
I am creating...
a couple reusable shopping bags from my stash of fabric, meant for an up coming Ravelry swap
I am going...
to head back to the gym this week, even though my injuries are still a bit troublesome; my weight is creeping up despite being diligent about my diet- I have to get moving again, even if it means living with the pain.
I am reading...
the latest Victoria magazine (I am so thankful it’s back) & an historical mystery about Elizabeth I called “The Poyson Garden” by Karen Harper
I am hoping...
that Chris makes it home without a cold after the schizophrenic weather in Colorado
I am hearing...
the growl of the lawnmower as Sam cleans up the backyard & the hum of the ceiling fan that seems to be a bit off balanced!
Around the house...
the A/C filter still needs changing & the curtains washing, but mostly there is peace & comfort to welcome the traveler home
One of my favorite things...
a visit to Cold Stone Creamery~ the creations we come up with J
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
It’s time for another haircut (though my stylist has left & didn’t tell me where she was going L), taking a half-day on Wednesday to actually fix dinner for Chris’ return, & a day at the Livermore Highland Games on Saturday (though no dancing this year- oh well)
Here is picture thought I am sharing.
My nifty new tote from Tar*get; several ladies had something similar at the last scrapbook workshop, but this is so me!
Please drop by Peggy’s blog, “The Simple Woman”, to join (or just read along) the other ladies as they take a snapshot of their day & focus on the simple things.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Another Obscure Monty Python Reference & Friday Feast #190

more cat pictures
Deadlines are looming (another Saturday at work is on the schedule), my only offering will be the weekly meme from Friday Feast
When someone smiles at you, do you smile back?
In all honestly- not really. Being a shy person, it’s a challenge for me to look at faces- I’ll give a small, tentative grin, & look elsewhere.
Describe the flooring in your home. Do you have carpet, hardwood, vinyl, a mix?
We live in a rental, so we inherited low pile brown carpet & aged vinyl flooring in the kitchen, bathrooms, & laundry area. I personalize each area with throw rugs- partly to protect the floors from dirt traffic, partly to bring some color into the very neutral rooms- in hues of red, green, & browns.
Write a sentence with only 5 words, but all of the words have to start with the first letter of your first name.
My Mother Makes Mean Mocha!
Main Course
Do you know anyone whose life has been touched by adoption?
Yes~ one of my sisters (my Dad & his second wife) & Chris’ only brother were both adopted as infants. Also, Chris was adopted by his step-dad, & his brother adopted his wife’s daughter (both their biological fathers abandoned them)
Name 2 blue things.
My husband’s eyes & the recliner in the study (which I’m planning to replace this year)
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Money well spent
We had a great time on Sunday. Sam drove to Sacramento (about 85 miles), getting some highway driving practice, stopping at Ikea for a couple hours of wandering. I picked out a couple of essentials, while Sam planned out his dream room, & then we had dinner in the café, before heading to Arco Arena. Sam didn’t figure out who the performer was until we hit the door, & then all he said was, “Cool.” (I think that’s taking the “Jaded Teen” act a bit too far) Suffice it to say…we both sang along with every song
This was the opening act (so much better in person)
Naturally 7- all a cappella… really!
Look closely- they are not playing those instruments; all the sound you hear is by human voice. For more, see check out “Naturally 7- Wall of Sound” on You*tube (my favorite is “Say You Love Me”, a love song from God)
And then….
Michael Bublé!
Scanning the pages...
Outside My Window...Hazy skies & dusty breezes- a preview of summer, I believe
I am thinking... that there are so many other things I’d rather be doing then sitting in this office all Spring
I am thankful for...an extra day off to recover from our late night Sunday
From the kitchen...will be leftover country ribs (must pick up some bbq sauce) & fresh asparagus.
I am wearing...a dark floral skirt, cream top, & brown leather slides
I am creating...a pair of knitted kilt hose for Chris- natural merino/silk blend on tiny needles- this is going to take a while
I am going...to plant some more seeds- a planter box of Moonflowers & Sweet Peas for the patio, & start a few Sunflowers & “Love Lies Bleeding” for the front bed.
I am reading... Northanger Abbey (still- the read & knit along ends this month) & No Honeymoon for Death by Mary Kruger
I am hoping... that the wasp nest I knocked out of the rose bush last night is the only one!
I am hearing...Vivaldi’s Allegro from The Four Seasons, Spring
Around the house...it’s time to take down the curtains for a good wash & airing, change the filter on the A/C vent, & have Sam hose down the window screens & reattach them- all the wind lately has knocked some of them wonky.
One of my favorite things...big, bright, red geraniums
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Clear some clutter from the computer desk & sofa table; cut some more block pieces for the church quilt, & put in a few hours of work on Saturday.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Please drop by Peggy’s blog, “The Simple Woman”, to join (or just read along) the other ladies as they take a snapshot of their day & focus on the simple things.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Singing along with the radio
One of my regular blog-wandering spots is Junie Moon, a lovely woman with a large heart. I am often inspired & challenged by June’s posts; she is a fount of creative energy & regularly spotlights ways to put feet on your ideals- in just the past 10 ten days, she’s been involved with Special Olympics fundraising, shared her creations for a swap, tried a new sewing technique, salvaged some patio furniture, & offered a booklet of recipes for natural cleaning supplies.
During my visit today, I read about an opportunity to help those in need (a regular occurrence at June’s) in a way nearly every one of us can accomplish. The Peace T-shirt Project is being sponsored by Africankelli; if you are anything like me (a frugal Scot, who hates to see waste), somewhere in the house there is a stack of practically new t-shirts that have been outgrown, waiting to be taken to Goodwill. This weekend, I’ll be choosing a couple, possibly decorating them with some simple designs, & then forward them on to Kelli; she will pack them in her suitcase to give away while in Nicaragua & Mozambique.
Will any one else be honest enough to admit that you were first introduced to opera by… Mel Blanc?
To this day, I cannot listen to Wagner’s Tannhauser Overture with out hearing the immortal duet of Bugs & Elmer, singing:
“Return my wuv, a wonging burns deep inside me;
Reetwion, my luv, I want you always be-eside me;
A wuv like ours mu-ust be;
Made for you & for meeee;
Return, won’t you return my love, for my love is yours!”
Hope you each have a wonderful weekend; tomorrow, I’ll be working for a couple hours to finish my month end close reconciliations, then over to the opening of the Farmers’ Market & Cost*co for basics. Sunday is the Michael Bublé concert (which Sam doesn’t know about), so we’ll make an afternoon of it in Sacramento- shopping, dinner, & then some great music!