I’m sorry for the lack of posting in the past week; work is still in an upheaval, so I have been putting in some long hours, trying to stay on schedule (& failing miserably- you know the part of Murphy’s Law about whatever can go wrong will at the worst possible time!) When I make it home in the evening, I’ve been either tied up with my sewing machine & serger (which has been giving me fits this week), or just too whooped to try stringing together some words that make sense. The rest of this week isn’t looking any more promising & the weekend is full of commitments, so I seriously doubt I’ll be able to post a real entry until early next week.
Here are a few highlights of the Garden Activities:
b The Big Family Party
b A Second Day all by Myself
b Festival of Trees
b Sam starts Driver’s Education
b Dahlia’s Trip to the Vet
I am doing my best to drop in to visit my friends, since I enjoy peeking in on your lives (voyeur that I am); I’ll leave you with another offering of...
Cat Haiku
(Author Unknown)
We're almost equals
I purr to show I love you
Want to smell my butt?

1 comment:
lol at the haiku. ;o) tiger tends to want to show his 'one eye' often. ew.
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