I hope you enjoy a blessed and safe celebration~ I can hardly wait to see what the Good Lord has in store for us in the New Year

I am not a morning person.
Never have been, don’t plan on ever being one.
I really need at least two hours to get going in the morning~ shower, dress, feed the animals, eat breakfast, read the paper, finish my tea, before heading out for the day~ but even then, I don’t feel like all cylinders are firing until about 10:00 am.
Too bad I’m expected to start working at 8:30.
In the past couple months, I’ve been waking up at 5:30 (more commonly known around here as “the butt-crack of dawn”), look at the clock in disgust, & attempt to go back to sleep. A little voice in my head says…
”You could take a walk”
Yeah, right.
But you know what?
After 2 weeks of this nonsense, I did.
Been getting up & heading out the door by 5:45 am~ not every day, just 3 or 4 mornings a week~ & walking for 35 minutes.
Did you know that the stars are still out at 5:45 am?
Can’t say I’m too fond of it, especially now that it’s gotten cold, but I keep going (unless I talk myself out of it when it’s wet out, or I have to go in early).
Hopefully, I’ll see a difference someday.
Figured we would take it out when we moved in
Two weeks later, we found it covered with small, bright green leaves
Decided to leave it & see what would happen
Went on our trip to Washington DC & returned to clouds of white blossoms
Before we knew it,
we were surrounded by glowing red fruit
Bushels of it
Fresh, frozen, canned, gifted
I can hardly wait for next spring
“Feeling what?” you may ask.
Six months of change and transition took a toll on me, set me on autopilot in most areas of my life for a long time.
Several things were set aside~ things I enjoy and find fulfillment in doing~ mostly because it took too much energy to even think about.
Now, I am through the proverbial tunnel, back in the light and looking forward to all the good things God has in store for me.
It’s good to be back.