This sweet little plum colored teapot was a recent gift & is just the right size for two servings. The lace draped cup made me smile when I saw it in the shop; even though I already have too many cups for my cabinets, I just had to pick it up.
I chose a blend of Dragonwell Green & Ceylon Peach tea; I think it will set off the pumpkin pie & the mixed nut & berry brittle I discovered. Looks like a warm drink will be in order today- the temperatures haved cooled & the wind is mighty brisk.

Oooo~ I'm so excited! My Ravelry invite came today; you can find me at megsgarden
What a wonderful fall tea~ I am so glad you joined the teaparties. Sharon @ MakeMinePink.blogspot
Oh I love the cup and the teapot! The pie looks just wonderful too!
Come to tea with me in London...
I would love to come for tea. sigh
Love your fall tea! Yummmm! So perfect for a crisp day like today! And, I've followed your lead and took the Jane Austen quiz. I'll be stopping by again - your blog is delightful!
This looks lovely! I just tasted some pumpkin loaf the other day, and it completely put me in the fall frame of mind! (The cold, foggy mornings don't hurt, either.)
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.....I want some pie! Your tea party looks wonderully scrumptious. Thank you for visiting my party too. :-)
Hi Meg, I am so glad you stopped by my blog. So nice to meet you. I laughed out loud at your column on the ways you embarrass your children. When my boys were little and would start acting up in a store I would start talking gibberish to them very loudly. Stopped their misbehavior every time. ~ Visit anytime and I enjoyed your tea party and could gobble that pumpkin pie right up. :) Lynn
Hi Meg - your tea party looks delicious! I love pumpkin pie. Thanks for coming over to my party too!
Beautiful tea, I would love to sit down with you and have some of that pie! The Ceylon Peach tea sounds yummy. Thanks for joining the tea party and visiting my blog:>)
Such a pretty tea table --- and the pumpkin pie looks so delicious!
Thanks for dropping by Gracious Hospitality. Come back again. The tea kettle is always on.
:) LaTeaDah
Thank you bunches for visiting my blog !
I just love your tea party in the fall colors with pumpkin pie ~ YUMMM !!!
Lucky, lucky you! Tea, pie and Ravelry! You're all set for fall.
Your tea party and setting are lovely. I love pumpkin pie!
Thank you for your nice comments, and for the Lumbly book recomendations. I read the first one, and enjoyed it very much. Today the library informed me that the 2nd one has arrived....oh boy!
Nice post. yum
a very nice tea. thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your kind comment. Celebrate the day , grab it by the tail and hang on for the ride! :)
very lovely. Great teapot and cup. Blessings...
These teas have been so much fun I had do a final post too...
Ooooo this makes me soooo hungry for pumpkin pie...*drools*
What a cozy setting!!!! And Pumpkin Pie Too!!!!
Meg- That pumpkin bread you brought over to the cottage was super delicious! Thank you. And doesn't this look like a tasty morsel here?
Hi Meg, I am visiting both gardens today. I guess I am still looking for my pumpkin pie.
I like the look of the blogspot page.How did you change comments to sprouts? That is so cute.
Meg, What a lovely Autumn Tea. The pie looks scrumptious and I love the lacy tea cup! Thanks for having me in for tea.
PS Thank you for stopping by my blog for tea on Friday. Your name is in the bowl for the drawing.
Love the idea of the Tea Party! Do you have a recipe for the brittle?
I must confess I am so very jealous of you for having cool weather...
we are still in the 90's....sigh.
Oh and Meg...You've been tagged. That's right you're it! Please check my blog for instructions!
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