Your Bumper Sticker Should Be |
![]() Even if the voices aren't real - they've got some great ideas |
Well, my MIL is back in Oregon, the first week of the audit is over, my headache wandered away Tuesday night, & I’ve waded halfway through the instruction manuals of my new camera & even managed to take a couple photos!
I love my MIL, really I do, but I’ve come to accept that since she retired, it is probably best that she lives in another state; she seems to have lost the majority of her social skills. I suppose part of it is ageing & precarious health, part of it is spending entirely too much time with 4 children under the age of 8, & much of it is from not having regular adult interaction; I could not complete an anecdote or observation all weekend without being interrupted with a complete change of subject.
Then there was the litany of physical ailments- not only her own, but her best friend, the younger grandkids (I got the constipation & pinworm story twice), & her next door neighbor.
But my favorite part was the pronouncements about people who waste their free time going online; not once, not twice, but three separate times, over the course of two days, she gave the same speech declaring that while the Internet is fine for dropping a line or researching a recipe, she had better things to do with her time, like work on her quilt, cook a good meal, or read a book. I guess it escaped her notice that I was online a couple of times, checking email, getting directions, pulling up some photos she wanted, etc, as well as entertaining a guest, sharing some new book finds, & working on my knitting.
Fortunately, for all of us, I was raised to respect my elders & be polite at all costs; other then sighing quite a bit & shooting a few visual daggers at her back, I bit my tongue & kept the peace.
Okay, that’s all the griping I’m going to do today.
The visit wasn’t all doom & gloom; we went to the Farmer’s Market Saturday morning & picked up a half box of wonderful strawberries; the wedding was…interesting… but Chris glad to see his family. Sunday was spent in Livermore; the weather was pleasant & my MIL wanted to see Ravenswood, so we headed over to see the antique quilt show & take her on a tour of the cottage. Afterward, we headed over to Alden Lane Nursery to look for a gift for the friend she had stayed with all week; you will be so proud of me- I came home with only 3 plants & all of them are in the ground! Monday morning, Chris drove his Mom back into her friend’s house & when I got up to go to work, this is what I found waiting on the kitchen table:
I’ve been eye-balling it in the Ravenswood gift shop & will go well with the pink & green print dress I’m making.
We got some good news this week- Daisy’s insulin levels have been balanced, so she doesn’t have to go back to the vet for 3 to 4 weeks. Not only are those all day visits, with 2 car trips across town, very stressful for an old lady like her, it was becoming rather costly- not a good thing just before I’m heading off on vacation. She really does look much better; her fur is fluffy again, she’s showing some interest in the activities around here, has been very talkative & even came upstairs a couple times this week- mostly to tell me to “Hurry up & feed me!”
I could ramble on for a while longer with the miscellany of the week, but I do need to spend some time on the church quilt- it’s back at my house, being machine quilted (not my favorite part) & hopefully bound before I leave on the 19th. I also need to get a cotton blouse made to wear this summer at Ravenswood- the one I’m borrowing right now is polyester, therefore not too breathable. Hope you all are gearing up for a terrific 4th of July!
I hear ya. I think my goal as a future mother-in-law (way, way future) will be to Just Shut Up.
Was tha that from Chris, or his mom?
Sounds like things are improving all the way around. I'm so glad.
Love the bumper sticker! Mine said, "Come to the dark side, we have cookies". :0)
Beautiful hat! What a great gift.
Your mother-in-law sounds like mine! The difference being mine lives just half a mile from us. I've learned over the past 32 years to bite my tongue, too, and it has sure saved alot of problems. I could definitely go on & on but won't!
Beautiful hat! Makes you smile, doesn't it???
Ravenswood sounds very neat. I'd love to visit one of these days.
Have a great week!
Good morning Meg!
Sounds like you've had a very busy week! I know you're happy that things are settling down ~ that hat is just gorgeous!
Enjoy your day!
If we weren't all crazy, we'd all go insane. I think MILs are put on the earth to test our upbringing. Grrrrr. Good for you getting it off your chest though. Poor little Daisy. That must be difficult. Aw.
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