You Should Own a Beagle |
![]() Low maintenance, very friendly, and sturdy. What Kind of Dog Should You Have? |
Funny, this; we’ve talked about having a beagle, in the myriad of “Someday, when pigs fly & dogs cease to smell, I wouldn’t mind having…” discussions over the years. I’m definitely not a dog person, yet I enjoy watching the kennel show championships that are televised on the “Animal Planet” & will do research on breeds that catch my eye. Go figure.
Lots of little things are happening around the garden- more along the lines of normal, everyday events, then anything momentous or highly entertaining. Chris is working long hours, which is de rigueur for this time of year; pretty well sucks sour pickles, as I am getting ready to head off for a week, but the money will come in handy to pay off my gad-about. He actually had to do a road call to Yosemite Friday afternoon- a 3 hour drive at the best of times- in a motor home, on high, winding roads; Sam & I both politely declined accompanying him- the very thought of the drive made me feel car sick. We elected instead to have burritos at the taqueria & go see the new “Harry Potter” movie, which, while only skimming the surface of the story, was quite good. I spent the rest of the evening listening to my dear son crow over the fact that the day our pre-ordered copy of “Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows” arrives at our door (usually by 9:00 am), I will be off in the wilds of Canada watching my brother get married, unable to start the book until I return home. *grrr*
Saturday morning, I headed off to the mall for a little shopping; with all the walking I intend on doing, I felt it was prudent to buy another pair of shoes, as well as a couple of long-sleeve shirts, since the forecast for Vancouver/Whistler area is mid 50’s to low 60’s & rain likely. I also invested in a new purse- my current one is looking a bit ratty- & a large package of batteries for my camera; don’t want to miss any good shots!
While I was off indulging in some retail diversion, the guys went over to donate blood- Sam for the very first time. Chris is a member of the “Gallon Club”- he has type O-positive, so he regularly donates- & Sam has been itching to go along since he turned sixteen. I tell you- that boy was so proud of himself & sported the bandage until Sunday afternoon; now he’s recruiting his buddies to all go together in a couple of months. I’m glad he has taken to this; I had to give up donating a couple years ago- my veins will not cooperate & it usually takes at least three tries to get one that flows, even just drawing for blood tests at the doctor. I try once a year, & usually end up getting sent home with a polite “Thanks anyway- maybe next time.”
Well, my lists are growing, along with my travel folder; tomorrow is my last day of work for 12 lovely days. Wednesday will be spent getting my nails done, packing my suitcase, & stocking the larder for the guys, so they will hopefully eat at home while I’m away. I’m debating whether or not to go to dance class tonight; it’s been a couple of months since I’ve gone & will be a couple of weeks before I’ll be back, but with adjudication looming the first weekend in September, I feel like I need to get back in the swing. I will check in again before I head off- ciao!
What a guy your Sam is! And Chris, too. Good for them!
Have a wonderful time on your adventure. You deserve a little quiet time. Hope you get it!
I couldn't take the dog quiz - afraid I might get a dog other than a golden retriever. Lance would hate me!
And good going, Sam! Who knows who's life you just saved?
Have a great gad-about (love that phrase)! See you when you get back!
So, you are a beagle girl at heart? Continue to be one at heart. In real life, not so much. I should know, I have one all to myself. She is a stinker! They follow their noses and don't listen. They smell horrible even after a bath and did I mention they don't listen? Really, they don't. However, their big brown eyes are so soft, they are awful loving and they just want to cuddle you. ALL THE TIME!! Really, I do love my dog. :)
Good for Sam giving blood! And Chris! I am O- and should start donating again. However, I am usually turned away as my blood does not flow. It drips. And drips. And drips. Yeah, fun process!
Take care and have a great trip!
Have a fun trip!
I did the dog question and discovered I should own a Yorkie, and that is good because I have 3 of them!!!
I agree about the H. Potter movie, it skimmed the surface, exactly!!!! If you hadn't read the book, it wouldn't be easy to follow. Can't wait to read the book!
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