Yes, today was my birthday~ though some members of my family were having problems remembering certain aspects of the day; MIL was upset I wasn't being taken to dinner- not surprising since she called yesterday; Mother sent me a card, declaring that she can hardly believe that 49 years have passed- except I'm only 46; my older brother called this morning, completely out of the blue- to ask for our aunt's address.
Good thing that birthdays aren't all that important to me anymore; don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be having another- the alternative is grim- but other then calls from my children & simple wishes for a happy day, I'm uncomfortable when people make a fuss.

I'm taking my personal day tomorrow & plan on heading out of town for the day; exactly where, I'm not certain at this point, but I need a day alone, preferably with a good cup of tea & some yarn shopping.

Prom has come & gone; Sam has proclaimed the event a success, using words like "awesome", "sweet", & "epic"~ I believe he had a good time