I haven’t seen this movie yet (don’t know if I will, because you know I only like happy endings) but the Apron Queen has challenged me to think about my personal “Bucket List”~ you know, the things you want to do before it’s your time to meet our Maker.
I’ve not led an adventurous life~ far from it actually, due mostly to my natural inclinations toward safety & comfort~ but I have been blessed with opportunities to experience some of what this wide, wonderful world has to offer & that has whetted my appetite for new experiences.
After careful consideration & endless revision, here is my list (subject to change & update at the whim of the Gardener):
C Own my own home
C Finish my Bachelor’s Degree
C Buy a brand new, straight from the factory car, just the way I want it
C Learn to speak basic Italian
C Play the mandolin
C Paint watercolors landscapes
C Sing torch songs in front of an audience
C Take a cruise to Alaska
C Travel across Canada by train
C Spend a month in Scotland & the Isles
C Take a walking tour of English gardens
C Stay overnight in a castle
C Join in a sing along at an Irish pub (preferably in Ireland)
C Travel to New Zealand
C Take a cooking school vacation in the Umbria region of Italy
C Kiss my husband at the top of the Eiffel Tower
C See the Pyramids
C Wear a size 12 (or smaller) again
C Have a tummy tuck- I want to see my toes again
C See my children get married
C Watch at least one child or grandchild graduate from college
C Hold my great grandchild
Hmm, from the look of things, my ambitions will keep me from ever being in #1; since I will invariably add to the list as I manage to check things off, let’s just hope I am granted enough time (not mention energy & financial resources) to work my way through the inventory.
So, tell me, what is on your list?
Wow! This is an awesome list! I'd have to live to 150 to accomplish it all! :D
For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen
Geez o' Pete Meg!! A very admirable and impressive list... and to quote Morgan Freeman from yet another wonderful role... *You better get busy living or get busy dying.*
I've got to make my comment quick...I'm on my break and don't want to be put to work! LOL! Love it :)
Your list is great...I hope all your dreams come true.
That's a great list! We have a few thing in common!
What a fantastic list! I've actually been blessed to do a couple. I really like the idea of a train ride through Canada. Very cool.
I'd like to read 100 of the greatest works ever written. I've got about 20 down. I need to get back on the train.
On that note, I'd like to read the bible in a year. I'm actually working on that now, if I could just get through Numbers!! (I skip it as I keep falling asleep!)
I'd like to go to Africa.
I'd like to do long term missions.
I'd like to see Italy, and get some REAL Italian food. I'd be in heaven!
I want to can some of my own food and eat it months later. (This may happen if my tomatoes keep producing this year!!)
I'd like to speak another language, at least enough to get by. And saying hola, adios and bano (bathroom) is not enough! :)
I'd like to go to Washington, DC and see...EVERYTHING!!
The most important though is that I want to see my children accept and acknowledge Christ Jesus as Lord. Then, I can die happy! :)
We have a lot of the same "wants" on our bucket lists. The cruise to Alaska, Canada by train. Wear a size 12. The Scottish Isles and the garden tour of England. I also want to visit Ireland and Germany. Maybe a castle in Germany.
Love your bucket list! I could SO totally see myself doing (or wanting to do) most of that too! Maybe I'll do a list of my own over at Wonderful Life... yeah probably will.
As for all the traveling, I'm not Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand or anywhere else but little ol' KY would be happy to have you visit. I'll warn you,though... we don't have central air (though it's been beautifully mild here this summer).
Tammy :):):)
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